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Engelsk Certification of vital record. ...
Certification of vital record.

I certify that this child was born alive at the place and time and on the date stated.
I certify that the personal information provided on this certificate is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.
this is to certify that this is a true and correct copy from the official record filed with the illinois department of health.
Any alteration or erasure voids this certificate.

Certifier attendant :

Attendant's mailing address :
sis tekstas yra is gimimo liudijimo kuri man reikia isiversti i lt kalba

<edit> "i" (9th letter from the Latin alphabet) with "I" (1st person singular pronoun in English)and "plce" with "place"</edit>

Afsluttede oversættelser
Litauisk Gimimo liudijimo sertifikatas